Dos Pintores Pintorescos

Reparto / Cast:

Capulina, Viruta, Regina Torne, Gilda Miros, Miguel  Corcega

Director: Rene Cardona Jr

Sinopsis / Synopsis:

Capulina y Viruta arriesgan sus vidas en el andamio pintando fachadas de altos edificios. Un hombre comete un asesinato y piensa que a través de la ventana lo vieron los pintores. Intenta matarlos para que no lo delaten pero Capulina y Viruta se defienden arrojandole cubetazos de pintura de todos colores.

Capulina and Viruta risk their lives everyday by painting the facades of tall buildings. One day while at work high on a scaffold they witness a crime. The criminal tries to kill them. After they suffer an accident, they decide to take painting lessons and create works of art. The criminal follows them into the Art Academy. They throw paint by the bucket full in order to capture the criminal.