Reparto / Cast:
Mauricio Garces, Zulma Faiad, Manolo Fabregas, Enrique Rocha
Director: Rene Carndona Jr.
Sinopsis / Synopsis:
Un diagnostic equivocado hace pensar a Mauricio Garces que pronto va a morir. Aterrado por el sufrimeinto prefiere buscar un fin rápido y contrata a un asesino a sueldo para que lo mate sin que él se dé cuenta. Al enterarse del faso diagnostic y que no va a morir Mauricio trata de dehacer el trato pero el asesino no rompe el trato. El es un professional. Mauricio tiene que sobrevivir multiples atentados en una serie de comicos incidentes.
Mauricio Garces, thinks he is terminally ill. He hires a hitman to kill him so that he does not have to end his life in a hospital. When he finds out that he was misdiagnosed he tells the hitman that he no longer needs to complete the job. Once hired, the hitman does not rest until his target is taken out. Somehow, Mauricio manages to avoid and survive all of the hitman’s attempts on his life.